Thursday, June 01, 2006

Something to do with Spinach

Before the spinach season comes to an end you might try this recipe for cream of spinach soup from Karen and John from Pollinator's Paradise.

CREAM OF SPINACH SOUP(from the Sunset Book of Soups and Stews, 1969):
1 bag of spinach leaves, washed
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons flour
1/8 tsp thyme
dash nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
Sour cream or yoghurt

Melt butter in a large pan, add the spinach, cover and cook over high heat for 5 minutes or until spinach is limp. Pour into an electric blender and whirl until smooth, or press through a wire strainer to make a puree. Mix the milk with the flour and add to the spinach. Return spinach to pan; add the thyme, nutmeg and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until thickened. Serve hot with sour cream or yoghurt, and croutons added to each portion. Makes 4 servings.


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